sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Fashion Quiz


42% Flamboyance, 32% Originality, 41% Deliberateness, 36% Sexiness
[Tasteful Conventional Random Prissy]
You don't pay too much attention to fashion and far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends. If you ever shock them it's by how little you care about the clothes you're wearing. The only thing you pay attention to is not to look ridiculous. You don't need to draw attention wherever you come but you definitely need to know you are not the object of jokes. You are happy to blend in. I'm sure this approach leaves you a lot of time and energy for more interesting things than fashion.
The opposite style from yours is Catwalk God(ess) [Flamboyant Original Deliberate Sexy].

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 42% onFlamboyance, higher than 53% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 32% onOriginality, higher than 4% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 41% onDeliberateness, higher than 11% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 36% on Sexiness, higher than 13% of your pee

  • I don't agree with someones of this concluion  for exemple when it said: " far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends" I don't agree because I wear according my pleasure and not with the pleasure of my friends.
    But I agree whwn it said: "You don't need to draw attention wherever you come". Take it for granted when I wearing I dont think abaout what capture more the attention, I wear according to my pleasure.

    American Sniper

    This film is based on true fact which is about the history of the best American sniper whose name is Chris Kyle. Before die, Chris wrote a book, American Sniper is about this book.
    He grew in a family where defended reciprocally. According to his father there are 3 types of people the wolf, the sheep or the dog, they are the dog because they protect the sheeps.
    Years before, he enlist in the SEAL, the tests are vey hard but he can lead.
    Chris is married and have sons but he go to Irak war. His first losses are a boy and a woman who attack to Marine Corps. Bit by bit he become famous and they put the nickname "The Legend".
    He go to Irak 4 times, but when he go home, his wife become aware isn't the same. Chris Kyle suffer a posttraumatic stress disorder.
    The film have a end impresive.

    Chris Kyle and the actor who have the leading role of Chris Kyle are very similar.

    Chris Kyle


    We have a better presentation than the first because now we use prezzi.
    We think so have a good presentation because it have many color and impresives pictures and it have good structure. But in the begining  we are moving because we were are nervous.
    Also Adria have good pronuntation but I can get better and we use vocabulary like: bit by bit, reach, weigh...
    The content it is good but we can add better small things like hotels and transport.

    We think so have a nice presentation because we add things for the presentation isn't boring and monotonous

    Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
    Are the resources focused on the topic?
    Do the resources support your oral explanation?
    Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
    Body language & eye contact
    Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
    Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
    Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
    Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
    Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
    Do you introduce new information to your audience?
    Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
    Do you give/show examples?
    Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
    Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
    Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
    Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
    Pronunciation & Intonation
    Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
    Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
     M 6

     A 8
    You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:
    M 8'4

    A 8'6

    viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

    My design reaserch paper

    I do batxillerat in catalonia, where is the only community of spain how do this project
    This project is very important because that mark is a 10% of the final mark of BAT.
    In the reaserch peaper you do a study of the matter you want but this design has to be accepted by the teachers. For choose a good design  you have to think which dosen't be theoric and you have to contribute something  innovative and interesting.

    The first design I want do was a comparision of diferents respiratory systems and explain the apnea. But my biology teacher
    said it was theoric.

    For this reason I think a new design:

    The native maritime spice of Cap de Creus and his adaptation in the natural environment

    1- Do a study of the maritime spices of Cap de Creus and locate the area where be plentiful.
    2- Analyze the differents environments of Cap de Creus and how are adapt the maritie animals.
    3- Do a study statistical about the catch fish in the Cap de Creus.
    4- Do a study and comparasion of the behaviour of the fishes of Cap de Creus beetwen the Barcelona aquariums and the animals in this real space.


    Frank Cuesta was doing one program where he as well of show animals, he was uncovering traffic chain  of animals. Because of Frank have problems now.
    Some times ago hold the wife of Frank, Yuyee, for traffic of  drug. Now days Yuyee is a jail in the prision of Bankong with a prision sentence of 15 years without law of bail.

    Yuyee was holding in the Bankong airport for carry 0,005g of cocaine althought in the trail said whose carry 0,251. Strangely the cocaine was destroy in the laboratory test. They charge to Yuyee for carry cocaine of Vietnam for sell in the country.
    Now days Frank does movements for showes the innocence of Yuyee and
    support his wife.

    We can found a lot of news which talk about this case

    martes, 24 de febrero de 2015

    Homo erectus

    Homo erectus had lived between 1,3 milions of years and 200.000 years.
    He had lived between the south and east of Asia. They are the first specie of go out of  Africa.
    This specie of homo had lived in the forests and savannah.
    Homo erectus had mesured 1,50- 1,65 m and 45-55 weigh, who had controled the fire and they had known make tools for cut. Homo erectus had been the first homo who can walk because of his back have shape of "S".
    Also they are the first homo who had glottis because of they are the first of can do sounds similar to the words who have a jaw similar to the humans.
    They are omnivorous, they eat cooked meat and vegetables.

    Homo erectus had done her own camp 
    who wear animals skins

    domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015

    The end of How I meet your mother

    I started to see this series in 2005 and last year was finish. After of 9 years sawing the serie I think so it has been very important for my adolescence.
    Last year they make public the last one chapter of the serie where explain:
    The mother was dies for cancer after to has the children, six years later, the year when Ted explains the histoy of  how I meet your mother to his children. When Ted finishes the history the children said it isn't the history of how I meet your mother is the history for we can understand why you love to Rovin and next the children persuade Ted  beacues rings to Robin and want for agree to meet. But Ted decides to steal the blue French horn for declare to Rovin.

    Much people think so this finish is bad for the levle of the serie. I think so isn't a bad finish, I keen on this finish beacuse is impressive, nobody as expected this finish.
    My favourite part is when he declare to Robin with the same way of the first chapter.

     year 2005

    year 2030

    sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015

    Warth of submarine / Shark of Darkness

    This shark is a great white shark which is legendary for his intelligence and reach. Submarine is considered the shark more deadly of the world. The name submarine are coming from the first time we see that shark, it was confuse with a submarine.
    They think it kills 27 peoples or more and they are secure of that because they identify  it for has a scar in the left eye cause for an harpoon.
    The behavior of this shark is atypical in the behavior sharks. I put an exemple: in 2014 a ship have an accident and the ship sink in a space dangerous because it sea is riddled of sharks. The wather is riddled of sharks and blood. But the sharks disappear, suddenly appear a shape biger than the ship, it is submarine. It dosen't detected  for the sonar beacuse of it was still horizontally, this is very strange in one shark because of a normal shark will do circles but submarino allways was still and observe the victim.
    For this we said he is a shark more evolved.

    At the present he reach 10'5 m long.

    1979 (  30 years after)                                       2014

    The check of his strength and reach in this  video where attack one girl because it dosen't only kill the girl it submerge the huge buoy.
    They do a documentary where they explain what step in one of his attacks.  This documentary is interesting I suggest to you.


    The sharks are ainmals which fill with respect.
    They can hunt alone or in group, depend of type. In general the sharks are aggressives only when be blood in the wather. A shark is ables to detect one drop of blood to 5 km  of distance.
    The sharks has 2 colors: the grey in the upper part and white in the lower part. That make he can camouflage  because of if you see a shark from upper part he is camouflage with the bottom and if you see a shark from lower part he are camouflage with the sun light.
    Now i will talk about some type of sharks:
    -There are someone of types most famous:

    Sand tiger shark:

     This shark can reach 3 m long.
    They can hunt alone or in small groups.
    This type of shark isn't more dangerous for the humans because of his jaw are small for kill one person.

    Great white shark:

    This shark, is the type wh more be afraid for the humans which have a jaw very big and it have 222  fang.
    It can weigh 2 tonnes and reach 4-7 m long.
    It captures the  electrics camps with his snout.

    -But also be sharks peaceble:

    Basking shark

    This type of shark is the second biggest fish of the world which can reach 10m long and weigh 2 tonnes
    They are characterize for his biggest jaw, which is for cature more plankton.

    They are tolerant with the humans a difference of a lot of animals.

    viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

    Type of dolphins.

    There are 37 species of dolphins divide in 17 types.
    They use dances, jumps and sounds for communicate and orient. Like the majority of cetaceas. The dolphins can reach 1'5m until 4m.

    Now I will tolk about of someone types of dolphins :

    -Tonina overa:

    This is my favourite. For her colors and touch.
    It only found in the area of FireLand

    - Haviside's dolphin

    This dolphin is small, it can reach 1'80m long andcan weigh 70kg
    This type of dolphins can found from Sudarica until Namibia

    - Common dolphin

    They travel in group of 10-50 members but sometimes they can travel in group of 200 or more dolphins

    - Atlantic white-sided dolphin

    This type of dolphin is one of the great ones which can reach 3 m long and can weigh 230kg.

    -Amazon river dolphin:

    This dolphin is caracterize for his color and his long snout which have this shape because of can catch  more fish.
    This type of dolphin is exclusive of the Amazon river .

    viernes, 13 de febrero de 2015

    Didac's description

    Dídac has lived in Vilamacolum for 3 years. In his home has a lot of animals. He's studing scientist batxillerat. He's keen on basketball and bad at lenguages.

    He's usually wearing a hoddie, a pair of tracksuit pants and pair of trainers, too. He's got a broad shoulders and is well built, a roundish face with freckles and a pair of dark green-eyed. He's pale-skinned and always this disheveled and active, friendly, generous and sometimes agressive when somebody bother him and also lazy and crazy. 

    He's a very good friend because he's respectful but often he's very crazy.