viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

My english progress 2013 - 2016

If you compare my first post with the last, firstly, you will see the biggest difference, the size. The first is shortest than the second. The first redaction,  my dream, has 60 words. As opposed to that, the last redaction has 229 words. That is because now when I write a post I am more interested. In this age I write about things that they don't interest me and nowadays is opposed.

If we focus on the grammar, we will see that in the first post has so many mistakes. For example: "profecionals" is professional, "winner" is win, "grup" is group, "there is" is a there are...
Moreover, if we focus on vocabulary, we will see that in the second I have more diversity of vocabulary than the  first.

I remember that I have so many difficulties to write. Mainly because of I don't have the theory about who, that, which... and  as a consequence I only could write simple phrases. As well as I have problems with the pasts, the s of third person and the much or many. But in the actually I solve it.

In conclusion, I see a big improvement above everything because I learn vocabulary and phrasal verbs, I solve my problems and I give up the google traductor ( in 4rth of ESO I use it a lot).

My english competence in 2016

In my opinion, the best post of my blog is "The fear hunter of the ocean it's now the prey". Firstly I highlight the size the post. It has 400 words. I write a lot because I was very interested in this experiment. I think that is very important because if you are more interested in a post you will pay more attention due to that I will write better. Likewise, I think that is a better post than others like my dog or my dream because they aren't interesting.  In addition, I can't see any mistake and it has images and that do the post more interesting and not boring. It was a reportage of Discovery Max in English.

In my opinion, the best oral presentation is which I do in first of batchillerat about Australia. I think that is because the most important in a  presentation is the Powerpoint or Prezi  and in this presentation the Prezi was so good. It has beauty pictures and colours and it hasn't any text. Besides it was the longest presentation which I do, it was 12 min. As well as we use vocabulary like bit by bit and we use words difficulties to pronunciate like spices. 

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

TED TALKS: Lisa Nip - How humans could evolve to survive in space

When human began to explore space found our limit. We explored the woods and the Jungle and we learned to survive. Now we have used our resources. Nowadays we have certain limits on the earth, in the future we might need to find another place to live and this could be other planets.

We have to think about transport, atmosphere and water. A problem is how to take provisions from Earth and how to grow food for ourselves. The talk says that the difficulties are for example that the human body is not adaptable after one year.

The bones and muscles waste in microgravity. She suggests that robots can help and biology and microbe technology can develop to help us change the human body in the environment.
With microbiology, we could change the genetics of the human body. She says we have made GMO's genetically modified organisms with which get rice and food modified. She says that human is evaluating, like bacterias and organisms. It is not a question of how, but a is a question of when our genetic evolution is finish for do it.
I think so many people dream about this, but the way to do it is very difficult. We need to evolve and find a way to manipulate the human genetic code that is safe and without mutations unwanted.

Unwanted - indesitjat.

White Shark Population

When the bald eagle population grows so many people think that was good news. But what happens if the population of predators like white sharks grows?

People are frightened because they think it is dangerous to swim in summer in the sea. For example, the surfer Mick Fanning was attacked during a race in Carolina (U.S.A). 
The sharks change their behaviour with global warming. There is a very important paper about the sea environment because if the ecosystem changes, shark populations can increase and so other fish species fall. Some species have declined by 90%.

But there always have been shark attacks but now with smart phones we see more attacks and we worry more.

Animal protection laws succeeded in saving mammals like seals and sharks but now they are closer to our beaches. We can coexist if we have information and people are talking about using drones to see sharks.

I think that it's true. We have to change our minds and diminish the possibility of shark attacks. A good idea doesn't put a fish farm near the coast.


Bald eagle - tipus d'àliga 

When Rain Could Gather

Makhaya is a black man from South Africa. He is in South Africa on the border between South Africa and Botswana. He wants to go to Botswana because in South Africa black people are like dogs.

When he cross the border he starts to run away because it is illegal. Luckily he found a man with a car who carry him to Golema Mmidi. When he arrives at this village, Makhaya goes to the police office and explains what happened. There knows Gilbert which admits Makhaya in his house. Makhaya starts to work teaching about farm to Maria. Maria was the daughter of Gilbert. Maria was searching a husband, for this reason, Gilbert thinks that Makhaya could marry with Maria. Finally, Maria gets married but with another black man. 

Then  Makhaya knows Paulina which has a son. They start a relationship. One day the son of Paulina disappear and they found him dead. In the end, Paulina and Makhaya get married.

Border - frontera

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

My sports history

In 2003, when I am 5 years old, my parents start to search a sport which I like. This year I start to practice swimming in Empuriabrava. One year later I give up swimming and I start basketball in Joana d'Empúries. We were a little team which don't play matches. My coach was Jordi.

The next year I start to play basketball in the team Splais. This year my coach as  Carlos. Carlos has been an important person because he teaches fundamentals movements of basketball.
The  following year I go to the Castelló and these years my coaches were Jordi and Jose.
The period of Jose was is my favourite because we won always. But last year of Jose was bad. For this reason, two years ago, we change of coach. In 2014, I start rowing and my intentions were given up the basketball and follow rowing, but in rowing we aren't enough.

Carlos becomes own coach again. Moreover, this year the people of one year younger sing up to own team. This year was wrong and because of that the beast players of the team go to others teams. That discourage me, besides the year 2015 was the worst. For this reason I give up the basketball. Nowadays I start swimming again.

Discourage - desanimar
Rowing - rem

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect is a channel from youtube which is about do amazing and impossible things. They are 5 friends: Cody, Tyler, Garret, Cory and Coby. Dude perfect h 9,6 thousands of subscribers and his videos more popular is "Ping Pong trick shots" with 50 thousands of views.

In 2009, they get the world record for the longest basketball shot with the shot from the third deck of Kyle Field. 
In 2010 Dude Perfect break his record with a shot from rower's base of 66 m high and 46 m away from the basket.
But this records was jeopardised by Legendary Shots with the shot from Vulcan statue

In this age they have people who say that is fake, however this kind of people make publicity and it makes it seem more amazing.

They start in Youtube in 2009 but don't start to grow up until 2013. Then they keep his growth until 2015. In 2015, they start to grow exponentially. Unfortunately this year have a drop.
Nowadays they start to develop again.

Vocabulary :

Deck - terrassa
Jeopardized - posar en perill
Growth - creixement

sábado, 30 de abril de 2016

Ebola lingers in semen for nine months

Ebola could come back. It could be a problem again. For three or more years we have heard news reports about the Ebola Crisis in Sierra Leone. This virus has been extinguished and stopped. There are now many survivors.

A new research study in New England Journal of Medicine reports that in tests, two-thirds or 66% of male survivors are carrying the virus in their semen. Men who have survived Ebola are being encouraged to wear condoms. The society who helps survivors the health clinics and community hospitals should try to organise the use of condoms.

Margaret Chan, who is the director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO) is worried. She said to the BBC it worrying because they don't know. She thinks people need to take precaution and advise survivors to use contraceptions.

I think that the measures might not be sufficient because they can't control all the people who may have the virus in their cells.

Contraception - anticonceptiu


Nowadays youtube is getting more importance. In my opinion is because you can see any kind of content everywhere. In contrast, in TV, the programmes starts and finish at one hour predeterminate. Besides the TV have so much publicity.

My favourite YouTubers are two: El canal de Korah and Joe Weller.

- Korah is a youtuber with 200.000 subscribers, who is 35 years old. He is a  who dub Far Cry, South Park... His videos are about humour, but also have videos about Spartan Race and other things which bother him. His best and popular series is "Doblando virales".

- Joe Weller is an English youtuber with 3.200.000 subscribers. He is 20 years old. He has videos about challenges and funny videos. His video more popular is Cristiano Ronaldo picking up girls with 43 millions of visits.


Besides - a més
Dub - doblar
Bother - molestar

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Climate Pact Recognizes Rights, Now the Work Begins

Nowadays 195 countries adopted a new global agreement on climate change. This is the first global agreement which is addressed to that concerns.The main objective of the agreement protects the people who are more exposed to effects of climate change and another concern is save the glaciers. But for doing it, in climate-related actions, we have to save the protection of natural ecosystems and food security.

The countries who negotiated the deal are focus on bear binding legal obligations to respect and fulfill the rights of their people. I said respect the rights of the people because the obligation of a govern is protect the people who live in their country. 

That is a big step, but the big step is help countries adapt to climate change and above everything help marginalised populations, because if we don't do it they won't can participate in the agreement.

Deal - acord
Fulfill - cumplir
Bear - suportar

sábado, 23 de abril de 2016

Is jealousy natural? Are prenups necessary?

Is jealousy natural?

Before discuss if the jealousy is natural or not, I have to establish what means it. Be jealousy isn't a mental illness. Be jealous is state of being jealous.

For many people be jea bond with the people who have around.
loss is a natural way to protect our 
I think that we are naturally jealousy depending on the kind of relation established. If the relation involves a person who is very  important and have  an essential role in your life, is naturally be jealous or have a minimum  interest or preoccupation to this person. But if the role isn't important you don't have it.
For that reason I think that in a relationship is natural have jealous but exaggeratedly.

                                                                                    Are prenups necessary?

A prenup is an official document signed by two people before they get married that says what will happen to their possessions and children if they divorce.

Prenups are very controversial due that we have to know the advantages and disadvantages.
- Protects your interests in business
- If one of the couple has more debts, when you break up you don't have to pay these debts.

- Can build up suspicion between the couple.
-Can be difficult imagine how you going to solve the big problems on your future live.

I think that is not necessary do a prenup if you are a normal person without business. But if you are a businessman, soccer player... I think that can be useful in some situations.


Bond - vinculos
Controversial - conflictiu
Debts - deuda
Suspicion - desconfiança

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

TED TALKS: Thomas Peschak - Dive into an ocean photographer's world

Thomas Peschak first fell in love with the ocean world when he was 10 yeas old. Thomas found that taking photographs of the hidden world helps people learn to love it. But nowadays this ocean world is difficult to found, for this reason, he becomes a conservation photographer.

He photographs animals and ecosystems (sharks, whales, turtles and marine life) for National Geographic magazine. His best locations are in South Africa where photographs sardines, dolphins and sharks and Indonesia (Maldives) where photographs manta ray and an archipelago of coral islands.

In South Africa see who dolphins and sharks aren't enemies, dolphins help the sharks to hunt with a way more effective.
As well as he has been in places not protected like Hanifaru, due to his pictures this places become a protected zones.

In my opinion, the work of this men is very important for the Earth because we need something which makes aware about own acts.


Make aware - concienciar

Chinese smog

Nowadays the pollution in Beijing (China) has become extreme.

The effects of this pollution are similar to that of a nuclear winter. Moreover, there isn't the sun because the pollution covers it.

That effect is that air has become toxic for people, animals, plants, food... for this reason the people have to put a mask on her mouth and nose for protecting her health.

This article shocked me because if we do not look after our planet, nobody will do for us. Our obligation, I think that we have to do is look after the Earth for our future generations. I hope that we have time for resolve this big problem.

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Human right

These days the human rights is a trending topic because we are infringing them. The human right are the rights you have simply because you are human.
They are created in 1945 in Paris for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and nowadays we have 30. 

The article 5  say:

"No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
I don't know about these human right because it is a break every day. We have the evidence of that human right is violate by 102 countries. In Europ the main countries where is break is in Rusia and Turquia. In Rusia is used to get confessions. In the United Kingdom when he found a terrorist, they send the terrorists to other countries where the torture is legal. Also in Spain we have cases where torture is used by the police. 
I think that human right is difficult to respect in terrorism situations or extreme situations.


Punishment - castig o sanció

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

TED TALKS: Jason deCaires Taylor: An underwater art museum, teeming with life

Jason deCaries build underwater museums in Grenada and Mexic, also he build a underwater botanical garden which represent the climatic change and the protection of the sea. In the Bahamas he make a statue of five meters.

He use a cement with a neutral pH for that reason his job is more stable and for that reason coral can live in. Also can live in fishs and other kinds of animals because his statues are hollow. All his statues are awesome becuase the nature finish his work and they are part of the sea.

He do it becuase he think that we don't protect our oceans enough. And one way of thinking about this is that we don't regard our oceans as sacred, and we should. 

TED TALKS: Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling?

Carl Safina make a study to understand the feelings of animals. 
The first neurons came from jellyfish. Jellyfish gave rise to the first chordates. The first chordates gave rise to the first vertebrates. The vertebrates came out of the sea, and here we are. A neuron looks the same in a crayfish, a bird or you. Dolphins have a bigger brain with more convultions. Okey, they  have brains, but what does that have to say about minds?

He observe elephants. He saw that the elfants know where is a human here and if that human is dangerous or not, they can differentiate. They have been watching us for much longer than we have been watching them. They know us better than we know them. We have the same imperatives: take care of our babies, find food, try to stay alive. 

We are the animal more compassionate, most violent, most creative and most destuctive. Those animals of Noah's ark deemed worthy of salvation is in mortal danger now and their flood is we.

TED TALKS: Angela Lee: the key of success? Grit

Anglea Lee was a teacher who do tests and exams. She saw that the marks of the best students and the marks of the worst students don't have so much difference. She thinks that in education lack a prespective psychological for be able to understood how learns the students. Due to that she go to university to learn psycology.

She allways ask: who have success and why? For that reason she make a study shows the key of success isn't only IQ, talent or pshysical healt. The most important thing is have grit. Gritt is perseverance and passion for very long term goals. But we don't know how building grit.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016


There are proves that the man used drugs for religious reasons, for example for being able to talk to their gods.
One of the first drugs was the opiate in Mesopotamia. 

Kinds of drugs :
-Hallucinogenic: Substances that modify consciousness, perception and thinking. LSD and some mushrooms are among them. In California it is forbidden to lick frogs because of its toxins.

-Opiate: Substances stemming of the papaver. For instance there is morphine.

-Depressing drugs: They act on the nervous system, decreasing its activity. They are often used to decrease anxiety and inducing sleep.

-Stimulants: These enhance brain activity and mental focus. But heighten blood pressure, heart rate beat and breathing rate. These used to be used on asthma patients.

Kinds of consequences :
Depending on which drugs you use the consequences may vary. Some examples:

- Addiction is the most known since it is present in almost every drug. Addiction makes you want to keep consuming regularly and without control.

- Panic attack: Appears after the consumption of cocaine or marihuana.

- Aggressive behavior :Caused by methamphetamines.

- Hungry: Caused by amphetamines.

- Chronic hallucination: Caused by LCD.

- Focusing issues: Caused by alcohol.

- Dilated pupils: Caused by cocaine.

- Red eyes: Caused by marihuana.

- Among others, including sterility, AIDS, etc.


There are seventeen different types of pinguins. They can be from forty centimetres to more than one metre tall. They all lives in the south part of the world. In winter, they swim a long way to find warner weather.

 In spring, much penguins come together on the beaches of Antartica. The female penguin has one or two eggs. She puts her eggs on the ground and sits there to one egg between their legs.

When the female penguin is sitting on the eggs, the male penguin brings her food. He also does this when baby penguins are born.

Whales in Cap de Creus

This year, in September 6 whales came to the Cap de Creus. We can  think that it isn't typical, but it isn't. Some kind of whales are typical from here.

One of those whales had a big scar due to boats. For that reason I remember that we have to respect mammals and animals because so many are in danger of extinction.

The firs time that I saw whales was in Madeira. They were free and wild because of that I didn't see many. I wanted to see them more, it was impressive.

Life without technology?

Would we bertter off without computer games? So many people have a opposite opinion about that, forr that reason I will explain the positive annd negative things.

Firstly, technological machines are useful because they help us to do things more easily and they facilitates work. For exemple our phones make it eazier to comunicate with someone, or the robot vacum clener that cleans the floor on this own. Our machines help us.

On the other hand, tecnology makes us lazy because they can do everything. Morover they are expensive and they can break
. Finally technology dosen't work without power.

Like many things, maybe it's a questtion of balance. We can use them but not depend on them, because they can give bad habits. Life with technology is better if we are careful.

Life without computer games?

Computer games have been with us for years. For a lot of young people they take a significant amount of their free time. But are they a positive or negative thing? Would we better off without them?

Computer games can be a fun way to relax after studying. They don't disturb other people and can be good for imporving had-eye coordination. On the other hand, they can be addictive and some people spend many hours at their computer. They stop going out, seeing people, doing sports and so on.

So, in the end, like many things maybe it's a question of balance. If we play computer games from time to time and still do lots of other things, they should be a fun and entretaining addiction to our free time interests.

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2016

The trip to London

Last week I went to London for four days. We had to take a bus on thusday at 2:00 a.m. for the early flight from Barcelona. We flew at 6:00 a.m. with Ryan Air I sat in the middle of the plane, in the window seat.

When we arrived in the United Kingdom we had to show our passaports and then take a bus which lasted two hours more. We arrived at the hotel at about 12 o'clock my frist impression of London was bad the streets were full of rubbish.

The trip started very cold but we went to Big Ben. It was bigger than I imagine. We were very tired because we hadn't slept and finally at night we play poker at the hotel.

We were still tired from playing poker very late. But on this day I saw the best part of th trip, the Natural History Museum. Also at the Museum I remember so many dinosaurs. Later at the Science Museum we played the interactive game.

This morning toke the underground to Camden Town Market. There were many band playing and street foot stalls. I had lunch on the street, pizza and a kebab bread.  There were a lot of people and a lot of different things to see. We arrived at about 11 and we spent the day in Camden.

In the evening, we went to the Musical Charlie and the chocolat factory based on the Story of Roald Dahl. The most impresive thing was that the lead boy actor was only like eleven years old. I understand the show but they did jokes and we couldn't understand it.

Our last day, was a free day so my friends and I went to Chelsea football Stadium. We went to the shop and the official T-shirts were 20 punds. That was strange because in the street they were 40 punds. Because of that we buy some Chelsea  T-shirt. Later we go to a verry big park, Hyde Park and there were so many people doing diferent  sports. Also we went to Pizza Hut and after that, back to the hostel an then home.

In the end, I thought the trip was really good. We did a lot of things in only four days and I spoke some English . The trip was well organised and we liked the fact that we had free time for ourselves as well.

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

We all think using phones and hand-held mobiles is safe. Some doctors think this is not true. 

Children are more at risk because their brain is softer and small so the radiation from mobiles can efect them.

Studies show that radiation exposure can damage health. We know that microwaves can be dangerous but we are realising now that Wi-Fi tablets and smartphones emit signals.

Their is a carcinogenic hazard (cancer). Also memory loss and infertility. For that reason it is imoortant to limit our exposure. We should put the phone and tablet on airplane mod. It can reduce a lot of radiation. Some doctors suggests turning off Wi-Fi at night and using bluetooth

I think that can be true but maybe this doctor is exaggerating the dangers because it can help to develop the illness,bur it isn't the only cause that produces infertility, memory loss... Turning off could help to prevent, but will not be the solution for the illness.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

TED talks: Free diving

David Blaine does extreme things that doctors consider imposible. He lived in a cover up coffin one week, he froze herself tree days and tree nights... His next pursuit was see how long he could hold his breath.

He informs about that. He met a top neurosurgeon and he asked him, how long could he go without air? And he said to me that anything over six minutes you have a serious risk of hypoxic brain damage. Also they told him that if he is a magician, he can build up an delusion of not breathing, it will be much easier. David creates a rebreather, but clearly wasn't going to work. Then he thought about the craziest idea of all ideas: to actually do it.

The first thing that he learned is when you're holding your breath, you should never move, because that wastes energy and your heart rate down. Then he learned how hyperventilating because that eliminates CO2 from your blood and that make easy hold your breath. Moreover he starts a diet compoused by small meals.

Afterward of 4 months his heart rate down to 38 and he could hold his breth 7 min. After that, David trys to make slower his heart ratein in extreme conditions due to that he held his breath knot. He lost consciousness and they had to revive.

Finally he decided to do it with pure O2. As well he slept in a hypoxic tent every night. What that does is, you start building up the red bloodcell count in your body,  which helps you carry oxygen bettter. His first attempt on pure O2, I was able to go up to 15 minutes.

For make the tv program he had to tie his foots and do it vertical, because with that way the spector can see David. Normally his hear rate was 38 but in the tv program day his heart rate was 150. After 11 minutes he don't feels his limbs. After 15 min he start to undergo ischemia. However he resist until 17 min 4 s. Finally he reflect about magic and he say that magic is about train and experiment.

I am a amateur of freediving and I can hold my breath 3 min. I am impress about what this man has achieve, but I disagree when he say that he has to learn how hyperventilating. Hiperventilating eliminates CO2, that is true, but so many freedivers don't recommend it because it speed up the syncope and that increments the riskiness.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016


Can the Internet make he world a better place? So many people think that is true, in contrast I don't think like them. I think that the Internet can't make the world a better place.

On teh one hand, the Internet means confots because it gives so much information, on the other hand we don't know if that information is true or false.

Also that information gives has facilities and it isn't posible because we haven't to make an effort to search and find the information which we need. Morever we don't check if that information is trustworthy.

In conclusion, I think that the Internet can't make the world a better place because it makes people idle.

My research project

This research project is based on the study of how the conditions of the environment afect human beings.

 For do it I had to compare a whipped habitat with an appeased one to be able to see how affects to the hidrodynamism of the zones as well as algae. Moreover I had to compare morphologic features of the fish depending on the habitat they live in. Acordigly I had to identify and analyze every living being due to I prove the existense of a big biodiversity in Cap de Creus.

My study is based on two transsects. A transsect is a rectangular shapped area where data is collected systematicallt.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

GoT: Books vs series

Currently, Game of Thrones is a famous series. That serie is based on the books Ice and Fire. This book came out in 1998. I discovered the history 3 years ago. I started to read the next book because I couldn't wait to saw the next season. That book's called: "Ice and Fire - A feast of crows".
At the beginning I had many dificulties to understand it, because in the book appear so many characters but the history is the same. The differences between the books and the series was very small (in the fist 4 seasons).

The biggest difference is in the red wedding. In the books the girlfriend of Robb Stark escapes pregnant. Because of that so many fans thinks a new Stark will appear, but in the series the girlfriend of Robb dies in the red wedding.
Last year a new season come out which I have read, In that season I found so many differences, principal I found it in the historys of Danerys, Thyrion, Sansa and Marggery. That historys only concide the end because of that this season reacived many complaint.

The delay of Winds of Winter

George R. R. Martin published in his live journal that he couldn't finish his book the publication was delayed and he admitted that the fans of the series will have more information than the fans who are reading the books.

For this reason, they asked if the series was a spoiler for the book. His answer was "Yes in some ways".

This last year the fans who have read the books when he was in a resteurant they saw him abd were critical of him saying "shouldn't you be writing and not eating. Also, the fans said things like "Be careful or you might die before you finish the books". They threatened him.
He defended himself and said he needed to go out to fans conventions and so he didn't have time to write.

I think that the author has to have time to write more chapters because when he does die, he will be remembered for his finished work. We need to give him more time.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

Social media

Nowadays the media is important for our society. Currently the most famous social media is Instagram, it is for sharing pictures. Instagram is an app for the cell phone.
Currently, all the people have a phone to use that media. My phone is one year old but the last one was 4 years old. The most popular phone is Iphone, but it isn't the better phone...
But that media can be addictive and that shouldn't be habit. 

Before now the news was physical in the newspaper or on the radio and nowadays the news is on-line for exemple on Gooogle ( and Youtube.
However, what has changed is how many people read and see the news. It is faster and you can read or lisent wherever.
News on the internet are more read because you don't have to go out and buy a newspaper. They have more pictures, more color and more opinion.
But what hasn't changed is the News; it is the same as ten years ago for exemple politics, wars, murders and crime.

domingo, 21 de febrero de 2016

My future

At present, I am in my second year of Batcxillerat. So that means that next year. I will go to University. 

I want to do Biology or somthing related to Biology. I have always liked sciences, especially Biology because it is all around us in the natural word.

In Barcelona, when I went to see the university last year, I thought it was well organised and the presentation for students was well organised and the presentation for students was so good. Nowadays, I think the career situation is difficult so I think it will be important to have qualifications like a diploma, master...
Barcelona has more choices for students, for exemple Biology and the enviroment: Enviromental Biology .

One problem might be that the entry level for Barcelona courses is higher than Girona.
I also visited Girona University but on that day, the presentation was not well organised and it was half an hour late. It is closer and cheaper to travel.

Above all, my frist choice would be Enviromental Biology in Barcelona, however, if I don't have a sufficient level, Iwould choose to study a tecnology course at Girona University.
I intend to make a big effort to achieve the highest marks possible for my future career.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2016

Oral presentation

In my opinion I have a good presentation because I use fotos which have a good quality and which are visually appealing. As well I have a correct body language and eye contact.
Above everything I have to improve my fluidity especially when I explain what means transect and the first objectiv. Also I have to progress in my pronunciation. Moreover I was nervous and a result of that I can't stop of waggle.

NAME&TOPIC: Martí Sanz
Study of living beings of two transects in 
Cap de Creus

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?

Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phrasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)


Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:

viernes, 12 de febrero de 2016


Two weeks ago Creed was released in ower cinemas. It is verypopular because it is the sequel to Rocky with the star Syllvester Stalone.

The story starts when nobody wants to train the boy who is the son of  a dead boxer. This story is about a fighter wha challenges the best boxers and finally the champion. The film was impresive because the fight sceenes were full of drama and suspense. Creed fight for a longtime and he goes down, he falls and he gives up many times. The relationship between Rocky and Creed is strong because Creed is the son of Rocky's friend had died.

That film is the last movie of Syllvester Stalone due to it is the last oportunity of get the Oscar.. I can recomend to you this film if you like drama, suspense and sport violence, slowmotion punches the ring.