viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


In the  article "Abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz", which was advertised on the 1th of September of 2015 in El País for Risto Mejide, the writer makes us finally understand the power of the letters.

The text starts telling that there are 27 causes from ours evils but also there are 27 keys for any answer, related to the 27 letters of the alphabet, because if we mix the letters and we know how to use them we can do anything. With the combine of which, we can give problems or solutions, open or close doors. Nevertheless, each one alone is irrelevant and doesn't have any meanig.

These combinations, according to use, can fool, persuade, lie and cause to you feel bad. With that politicans are experts because with some politicans make blind confidence in the voters.
Although in our society is based on words scrawls, sometimes it's better not to say anything, forget that 27 sounds and use the musical symbol more valued which we aren't able to add to our symbols, silence.

I agree with Mrs Risto Mejide, above all with silence because for me silence is better than a word.

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