domingo, 30 de noviembre de 2014

How Black Friday is the Regina George of holidays

In this new Alli Colzain talk abou the black friday. They start the new telling: "I'll be the first peron to admit that I'm shopping addict."
The friday after Thanksgiving has been the official start of the Chrismas shopping seanson. When this day start in to the shops the people are fighting for clothes.
Now born a new ideology. This ideology is: no going to the shops in black friday and don't spend.

I am agree with the new ideology because now in the actuality the society us trick for we spend for things who don't need it.

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Hawk Claims Dominance Of The Sky By Taking Down A Drone Mid-Fligh

link of news

In this video we can see how one hawk  attack to a drone. It is video load in Camridge, Massachusetts.
A drone is a new product of tecnology

In the actuallity we develop the tecnology and we don't wait to think what concequence implicate in the nature (in this case the airborne). In this case one drone are attakced by a hawk but we don't know if this animals not attack others gadgets.

I am not sure if the hawk attack to drone because it stay in his territoty (the hawks are a animal very territorial) or other option is the hawk attack this drone becuse he is hungry and he tought the drone is edible. The firs option is more likely but I present for you all my theorys.


The slamball is a sport who is born in 2001 in América. That sport is a mix of basquetball and american football and it play with four elastic bed in front of each basket.

The player location are:
-Hadler: he direct the team therefore is the player who have a better control of the ball. As usual are the player who is small.
-Guinner: he is the scorer of the team.
-Tap: he is the advocate player. His function is stop the opponent when he attack.

This sport are create by Mason Gordon with Mike Tollin in the year 2001.
The first players of this sport were players of NBA and Mason Gordon. The first team is composed by 4 players. But when they do a presentation in the national TV they get new teams and do a league for the summer.

The match is composed by four parts of five minutes and the match start with a "bote-off"
The mains offenses are:
-When on player tackle the opponent for the back and he haven't got the ball.
-When two players are in the same elastic bed.

-When on player boot in the same elastic bed two times.
One player is throw out when he have 3 offenses.

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

My firsts marks of Batxillerat

I aren't happy with my firsts marks I work very fair.
The subjects most difficults for me are Spanish, Catalan, Chemistry and Biology.

In Spanish I have very bad mark but I am stay waiting for two marks more, but I don't have much hope. I fail this subject (I think).
In Catalan I fail an examen but I pass other exam. My average is 4,... but I can pass this subject for the homework. But just in case I don't inspire hope.
The subject of Chemistry is difficul but isn't imposible. I fail an exam for I don't reed well the wording and I don't copy bad a formulation. But I can pass this subject because if I do well the next exam she nullify the old mark.
The subject of Biology for the moment I pass it. But the next exam is very dificult and I have hesitation if I pass the next exam. The biology are my favorite subject but the matter isn't interesting for me, I like more the genetic than the biochemistry.

The conclusions are I have to get better marks because in the batxillerat the important isn't pass, the important is get good marks for go into the degree I want.

World war Z

In this film apper a new illness. This illness transform de humans in zombies. The main character is a retired military and he help to find the remedy.

When the main character start the search they go to many country but they didn't found the cure. All the contries are infect. One day when they land in a military base the cientist dead, for this reason the main character have to found the cure.

My favourite part is when the character are capture in the laboratory, he choose a jar with an illness and he inject it for can go out and in that way the zombies don't attack him, but he doesn't know what is the illness who inject him. If is a wrong illness he dead.

The main character is Leonardo Di Caprio. The effects of this film are very good. This film have action and  intrigue.

I didn't like the part when the cientist dead because the way who dead is very stupid because die for slip when the world is full of zombies...

In my opinion this film have ***

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Presentation of english (Voodoo)

(We had a problem with the video, this is the frist and only part. We missed the other part.)

We have a mediocre presentation because we used the Microsoft Power Point. But I think the other elements of the presentation were correct, because we used an impressive picture in the cover.
My body language I think it wasn't bad but in sometimes I felt really nervous.
The structure I think it was good because we put the videos in the middle in order to not be boring and have the attention of the public.
I think that the content is correct because we put all the information that we found.
My pronunciation can improve, but you can understand everything.
I think we did  a good job, and the next presentation will be better.

Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

The Hunger Games MOCKINGJAY (part 1)

It is the last film of Hunger Games at the moment. At the end of the last film of this saga Katniss and the others heros escape of the cupola of the hunger games. But the Capitol arrest Peeta.

The cosecuence of that is yhe destruction of the District 12. When the Capitol bombard the District 12 kill nine thousands persons but others one thousand of perrsons survive and go to the District 13. Katniss and the others tributs now are in the District 13.
This district destructioned for the Capitol and now live in underground and it preparing for attack the Capitol.

I like this film but not much. Some moments the film is boring. I reed the books of this saga and  when I compared the books are much beter than the films.
I suggest to you if you a fan of this saga because if you don't see the part one when you  will go to see the part two you won't understand the film,  but if you don't a fan of this saga I don't suggest.

My favourite part is when the District 13 save Peeta but Peeta isn't the same.

In my opinion this film have a **

This is the trailer of this film

sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Differences and similitudes between "Theerten" and "The best of times"

This film and this book tolk about the adolescense and the differents situations himself confort.
The biggest difference between the book and the film is: in the flm the hero is a girl and in the book the hero is a boy. Other difference is: in the book Chee Seng  have a rich friend this is bad influence for he. But in the film "Theerten" the bad influence is a girl who is steals. A big difference is the friend of the hero of thirteen is false and only need  Tracy for take advantage of Tracy's family. I say this beacuse at the end when the Tracy's mother make outside of the house Evie, she ruin Tracy.

The biggest similitud between "Theerten" and "The best of times" is: in the film and in the book the heros taste the drug and the alcohol. Other big similitud is in the two stories the hero's father are divorced and in the two families haven't mach money.
Other similitud is in the two tales the hero got a boyfriend or a girlfriend.
Also the problems between the hero of "the best of times" (Chee Seng) and the hero of "thirteen"  are very similars.
All histories start when the hero is good and have well-mannered and at the end the hero is a bad influence.

Game of Throns

This serie is about 6 families ( Stark, Targaryen, Baratheon, Arryn, Tully and Lanister) and they fight for throne of 7 kingdoms. But the main family is the family of the Starks. The symbol of this family is a wolf. In the Stark's family there is a bastard, his name is Jon Snow, but he is accept for his brothers, only Cathelyn Stark hate he.
The Targaryen's family  is the ancient royal family and they ride the dragons.
The Lannister's family is the royal family. The queen is Cersei and she have two sons and one daughter, but they aren't the sons of the king, they are the sons of his brother. Cersei and his brother are fall in love. In my opinion Cerse is a manipulative.
I am following  this serie because is very interested and  have scheme.
I like this serie because has betrayal, scheme and action. This serie characterize kill the main heros of the history. I said this because for the moment die two kings, Edd Stark, Cathelyn Stark, Robb Stark and more.
This serie start in 2011. It have 4 Seansons but it will has 7 seansons and one film. It base on the books Game of Thrones. This books are do for G.R.R Martin.

This is the family tree of this serie

And the principal heros are:

-Stark House:

Edd Stark

Cathelyn Stark

Robb Stark

Jon Snow 

Sansa Stark
Arya Stark

Bran Stark

- Targaryen House:

Princess Danerys Targaryen

- Lannister House:

Tiwyn Lannister

Queen Cersei Baratheon

Tyrion Lannister

Jaime Lannister

Prince Jofrey Baratheon

This is trailer of the last seanson

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Fairy tale


Once upone a time a wolf of the montains found three houses. So, he went to the glass house. He broke the house and found one pig who played with his computer. The pig wasn't upset-minded. The wolf thoug about this pig wasn't normal and then he went to next house.
In this house there was a pig who was reading a book. The pig saw the wolf and he said: "Catch all things you want to get, but you don't make noise". The wolf thought the same  that the first pig. And he wents to last house.
In the last house he found many pigs who were smoking weed. Suddenly, arrived the others pigs with a keyboard and a book.
In the end they kill the wolf with their objects while the pigs of the last house were laughing.