sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2014

Hawk Claims Dominance Of The Sky By Taking Down A Drone Mid-Fligh

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In this video we can see how one hawk  attack to a drone. It is video load in Camridge, Massachusetts.
A drone is a new product of tecnology

In the actuallity we develop the tecnology and we don't wait to think what concequence implicate in the nature (in this case the airborne). In this case one drone are attakced by a hawk but we don't know if this animals not attack others gadgets.

I am not sure if the hawk attack to drone because it stay in his territoty (the hawks are a animal very territorial) or other option is the hawk attack this drone becuse he is hungry and he tought the drone is edible. The firs option is more likely but I present for you all my theorys.

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