lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Looking back

My old blog
1.  Can you see an improvement on your level of English in the past year/s?  Where, for example?Yes I improve so much, now my english isn't perfect but last year was a complitly desaster.In my old blog I repeat some words all the time and my posts are very short, nowadays my posts are like 200--300 words. Also now I can use more verb tenses and conditionals.

2. Which activity best shows your level of English? The your-says is the best activity because you use the english for somthing you like, and with this way is easy learn english.

3. Which activities were really USEFUL for you to improve your English? Why? 
The most useful is the phrasal verbs because with that your english is more professional and you have more synonymous to use. Also presentations are useful because you practice the speaking and you can improve your pronunciation.

4. Which activities did you NOT find useful to learn English? Why not? 
In my opinion I think that news are not useful, because we learn english with the news but are boring and because of that we don't pay attention to that when we do, with the news we learn more slowly.

5. Which activities would like to do again next year to keep on improving your English?
The activities which I like and we would do next year is watch films and listen songs in english. Because the classroom is more funny and we pay attention and we improve on own level of English.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Free Diver Dies Trying to Break World Record

Aurdey Mestre die in Dominican Republic when she trying of break a world record. These world record made for Ferreras, her husban. They were the most famous free-diving couple in the world. She blacked out and died Saturday after her plunge into deep waters near La Romana, 81 miles east of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
She back out at a depht of 330 feet and a saftey diver rushed her to the surface. Ferras tried to revive her using the mouth-to-mouth. Bur the woman who had become the world's best free diver had died.
We have 5.000 free divers and every year die 100 free divers.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Prision Break

Mr Midshipsman Hornblower

The story start in the 1793, France and England are enemys. We are in the Spithead's port, England, in a small ship. Where arrived a young men of 17 years old for become a sailor and his name is Hornblower.
In the ship he know Simpson. Simpson is a sailor of his ship and he is tall, strong and agresive.
He, Simpson and other  sailors start to play cards. But Simpson lost and accuse to Hornblower of cheater. He don't apologize because of Hornblower callange to Simpson in a duel. The duel is:
They have many weapons and they chose one, but the weapon can be load or not. Hornblower know  which weapon is load for its weight. He chose a load weapon and kill Simpson.

A few months later he is a midshipsman in the Indefatigable.
One day they try to escape of a France's attack. But they have a hole and the water come in to the ship and the ship start  to weed out. Also they transport rise. Hornblower decide to take a small ship and load up the rise of  the ship he go to England.

A few months later the war go on. He stay in the Indefatigable, in Cadiz.
Nowadays his usefull is protect the ships which come from Gibraltar because Spain make up with France and now they don't let pass England's ship which transport goods. Because of England start to suffer from hungy.
One day he see a  Spain's galley sinking  a England's ship. He take a ship with Jackson and they stick the Spain's galley. They kill some spanish and they make the other spanish prisioners. These day his capitan  name Hornblower a lieutenant.

One year later he stay in the ship Le Reve, in Gibraltar. Now Jackson is his adjuntar.
One day his admiral orders him to carry the duchess to England. They set sail but one night a spanish ship do a surprise attack and they break the mast.

At last they is a prisioner in a Spain Castle for 2 years. One day  a England's ship sink a Spain's ship. Hornblower ask for help to Spain's survivors. But when he is assist the survivors the England's ship come back and capture Hornblower. After he explain his history to the England's capitan and he release Hornblower.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Oral presentation

This time I do the presentation alone and I was nervously. I have to improve my pronunciation because I repeat the same mistake in every presentation.
Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
Are the resources focused on the topic?
Do the resources support your oral explanation?
Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
Body language & eye contact
Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
Do you introduce new information to your audience?
Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
Do you give/show examples?
Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
Pronunciation & Intonation
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:  

domingo, 31 de mayo de 2015

classroom conversation

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015


Freediving is an extreme sport and it's about suspension of breathing voluntarily.
This sport is the opposite of all sports because in the freediving isn't about physical training. It is about relaxation of all organs and muscles for don't spend so much oxygen, and this is more difficult. Freedivers before doing freediving they do relaxation exercises.
Freedrivers wear ballast to not float so much and this way they can stay motionless in the water. This ballast can change depending on the depth and the weight of this person.

The other trouble is pressure. How do they go down 50 to 100 m?
They have two ways:
1-The traditional way:
Everybody knows this way, we put the fingers on the nose and put pressure, when you feel ears hurting you kick off the air from the nose. But this way in the long run is harmful for your ears. Also this way you can not go down so far.
This is the way all the professionals freedivers use and has three parts:
Step1- Mouth fill
Step 2- Close your throat 
Step 3-  Use tongue as piston
If you do well you can feel air going to your ears.

But this sport has many risks, the most important risk is the syncope.:
It's like fainting. The  syncope comes from of scarcity of oxygen in the brain.
If you have a syncope you can lose one of the senses. One professional had a syncope and he lost the taste sense for one year.

Go down without flippers ---- 101 m
Go down with flippers --- 128 m
Go down without flippers (dynamics apnea) --- 226 m
Go down with flippers (dynamics apnea) ---- 281 m
Static apnea --- 22 min

When I was little my dream was to fly and when  I am alone and in complete silence, floating in the marine bottom it's like flying. This is why my favourite sport is freediving.


domingo, 17 de mayo de 2015

Type of whales

The whales are the most surprising  creatures of the world and they live in all the seas of the world. Which are mammal, a long time ago they live in the land but now are completely adapt to the sea, like a dolphins. Also they can breath with his horn. The horn is in the upper part of his head.
The scientists think that whales and hippopotamus come from the same species but they progressed with differents ways.

There are two big group:
- The whales with beard:
They are the majority whales, which have sieve in the mouth for filter the foodstuff.
- The toothed whales:
They has fang, with witch use for hunt.

We can distinguish for his diet and his physicals features.
Also we can classify with the number of his nostril.

The whales are pursue and hunted  for the humans for two reasons:
- In some areas they hunt whales like a sport very popular because of its size.
- In other areas they hunt the whales for pet foodstuff and supplies.
These are also the main reasons why whales are an endangered animal. Nowadays the population is 5.000-12.000 whales in the world, but 300 years before the population was 239.000.

Blue whale:
It is a  whale with a beard and  it can live in almost oceans.
This whale can reach 30 m long and 160 tonne weight.
Its main power soure is krill and cepepods.

Humpback whale:

It has big pectoral fins and can live in most oceans.
The female whales are bigger than male whales.
Its main food source are small fish and krill.

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2015

The fear hunter of the ocean it's now the prey

Scientists are bewildered because they find dead great sharks in different parts of the world.
Which animal is bright and big enough for killing a great white shark?

Eli Martinez, an expert in sharks, has done different experiments to find out the answer to this question.

Eli has a  theory: another more evolved than sharks, has found out the shark's weak spot.
This weak spot is the tonic immobility.

Tonic immobility is a defence  mechanism usual by many animals. In the event of shark, perhaps that turns on when the shark is face up, that makes the shark susceptible.
But this isn't the only way to make the shark susceptible, also we can do when we stroke in the lower part o f the snout.

Now I explain the experiment which Eli did to confirm this theory:
First, he does the test with a silky shark (one of the fastest marine animals of the world, but also it's a small shark).  First he catches the shark by his tail and after spins it.



Now he tests with whitetip reef shark. This time he puts on chainmail doublet to protect himself from the bites of the sharks and he checks the other way for make the tonic immobility in sharks.




He checks his theory with small sharks, now he will checks with great sharks. But now he takes off the chainmail doublet to improve mobility.

First he confirms the theory with the tiger shark:

With this shark he has problems because when he strokes in the lower part o f the snout, the shark attempts to bite  him. But bit by bit he accomplished.

Finally he checks the theory with the Great White Shark:

But the shark attacks him and he decides to go into the cage.

When the sharks attack Eli he accomplished to caress his snout for one second.

That make the shark groggy. He thinks if he can do that more time, he will get the same result with others sharks.

Now only he has to find the responsible. This is why he goes to the place where appear 100 deads sharks. After analyzing the ambient he decides to see a recorder where they record the scene.
In all of them appear the fin of the killer whale.
For this we can say: killers whales learn to find the weak spot of sharks and they use this to eat.

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2015


Squid is a sea animal which has eight arms and two tentacles. On its arms and tentacles there are many suckers. If you pull up his tentacles or arms these don't grow again unlike others of his species. Also they have two bills and one circulatory system. In the event that squid is threatened, it can change its color and expel ink. 
In its mouth, they have a strong bill which use for cut and kill his prey.
Its diet is based on fish and invertebrates.
They live one year and grow very fast but the giant squid can live three years more. Also we can find squids in all seas.


The giant squid is an animal of deep-ocean. Giant squid can grow to 13 m for females and 10 m for males. Its tentacles measure 3 m but the longest is 5 m. This animal is very dangerous because they have the biggest suckers.
In 2004 Japanese researchers took the firsts pictures of the giant squid in his natural habitat. 
In July 2012 they recorded the giant squid out of his natural habitat.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015


This film starts with the death of hero's father in a secret mission. One of the team mate's  father goes to explain the news to the family, but the mother has a bad react and the team mate's father give a telephone number to the son to call if they need help. A few years later, the son is a teenager and he is a thief in the low neighborhoods of London, his name is Eggsy.

One day the police hold to him for driving stolen car and tries to run away, he decide to call the number for request help. One man frees Eggsy, his name is Harry.
Harry gets a job interview for Eggsy, but this job interview is the most dangerous job interview of the world, that is to get a job in Kingsman (the secret service), like his father. He accepts the offer.
The job interview starts with 5 people, the last one he get the job. But Eggsy doesn't get the job...

Later Kingsman finds a wicked  who finds out the solution to all the problems, the solution is to put an end to overpopulation. He decide to kill all the people of the world except the multimilionare who are agree with him

This film has many things which  surprise  me like when the hero doesn't get the job but this is a small surprise....

If you like the films like 007 I recommend it to you but if you don't like these action films don't see Kingsman because it isn't so spectecular.
Sincerely,  I think this film present a serious problem because it's a real problem. We have to find a solution for solve the overpopulation, but not so extreme as in this film.

viernes, 10 de abril de 2015


In the  article "Abcdefghijklmnñopqrstuvwxyz", which was advertised on the 1th of September of 2015 in El País for Risto Mejide, the writer makes us finally understand the power of the letters.

The text starts telling that there are 27 causes from ours evils but also there are 27 keys for any answer, related to the 27 letters of the alphabet, because if we mix the letters and we know how to use them we can do anything. With the combine of which, we can give problems or solutions, open or close doors. Nevertheless, each one alone is irrelevant and doesn't have any meanig.

These combinations, according to use, can fool, persuade, lie and cause to you feel bad. With that politicans are experts because with some politicans make blind confidence in the voters.
Although in our society is based on words scrawls, sometimes it's better not to say anything, forget that 27 sounds and use the musical symbol more valued which we aren't able to add to our symbols, silence.

I agree with Mrs Risto Mejide, above all with silence because for me silence is better than a word.

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2015


The  way of breathing of sea animals is similar to the way of humans, but our breathing system is very different. Sea animals have a gills to breathe. Gills are like lungs for humans.
Gills extract oxygen (which is dissolved in wather) and expel CO2.

Gills can be  internal or external, this means they can protect the body of an animal or can stay in the external of the body.
In the event that stay in the internal, water goes into the mouth until it reaches the gills but in the event that it stays in the external, that isn't necessary.
Gills make two canals:
- One extract oxygen from the water.
- One puts the oxygen in the blood.
These canals are connected to more small canals.

                      External bills                                                  Internal bills

When we see a sea animal, he is in movement. But when we observe a type of sharks who can breath, he is motionless.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2015

Aire plane accident?

This week on tuesday (24 March of 2015), a big and dramatic accident happened.

One of the aeroplanes of German Wings had an accident in the French Alps. In the Alps at a height of 2000m the aircraft went to 38.000 feet. But when the aeroplane was  cruising the Alps, the pilot went to the bathroom and  when he went back  the co-pilot didn't open the door. The co-pilot didn't want to. It is believed the pilot in the last minutes, tried to open the door with an axe. We think this because they found the black box and listened to the recording. The biggest piece of the plane crash found measure 2 square.
In the aeroplane 150 people were travelling, the majority were catalans and germans.

In the house of the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz they found evidence that he had psychological problems and his ex grilfriend explained to the police:
- One day Andreas said to me: " I will be remembered".

This co-pilot had 600 hours of experience and was 27 years old. I think, that isn't enough to drive a plane alone.
Now, for the security, nobody will be able to stay alone in the cockpit.

But what will happens if the pilot goes to the bathroom when he is cruising over Paris ??

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2015

The Imitation Game

This film is based on true fact which is about the history of three specific time periods in the life of Cambridge University Mathematics professor Alan Turing.  This explain the true history of those who won the second world war.
- The first is the span of his youth (1928).  He only had one friend, who taught Alan to speak with encoded message. His name was Christopher.

- The second is the span of the second world war.
 He is an expert of puzzle solving, and is hired by the British government to work on a team, whose secret project is to break the unbreakable secret code behind the Nazis' communications machine, named Enigma.
 If they can't decode enigma they with lose the war.
Enigma transmits all messages  of the nazis every day, but Enigma is recoded every day at twelve o'clock and there are posible codes that could be input into Enigma. Because Alan makes a machine with artificial intelligence to break any code, they are successtul.

- The third is 1951. The detective Robert Nock reserch Alan and the police charge him with unsuitable  behavior.
One year later he commits suicide.

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2015

Formal letter

Castelló d'Empúries
12th March 2015

Human Resoures Departament,
15 Plaça Catalunya

To whom it many concern,
I would like to work in one of your shops, for a months, because when I was little my uncle gave to me a pair of Nike shoes and this present was the bestpresent.
I think I am perfect for this job because I am friendly extroverted and likeable with people. Morover I am doing a fashion career and for the moment I have excelent marks. I speak 4 languages : spanish, french, english and germany.
I would like start working soon.
Looking forward to your prompt reply.
Yours faithfull

Martí Sanz

sábado, 28 de febrero de 2015

Fashion Quiz


42% Flamboyance, 32% Originality, 41% Deliberateness, 36% Sexiness
[Tasteful Conventional Random Prissy]
You don't pay too much attention to fashion and far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends. If you ever shock them it's by how little you care about the clothes you're wearing. The only thing you pay attention to is not to look ridiculous. You don't need to draw attention wherever you come but you definitely need to know you are not the object of jokes. You are happy to blend in. I'm sure this approach leaves you a lot of time and energy for more interesting things than fashion.
The opposite style from yours is Catwalk God(ess) [Flamboyant Original Deliberate Sexy].

  • Flamboyance Distribution
    You scored 42% onFlamboyance, higher than 53% of your peers.
  • Originality Distribution
    You scored 32% onOriginality, higher than 4% of your peers.
  • Deliberateness Distribution
    You scored 41% onDeliberateness, higher than 11% of your peers.
  • Sexiness Distribution
    You scored 36% on Sexiness, higher than 13% of your pee

  • I don't agree with someones of this concluion  for exemple when it said: " far be it from you to spend hours on designing outfits which could shock your friends" I don't agree because I wear according my pleasure and not with the pleasure of my friends.
    But I agree whwn it said: "You don't need to draw attention wherever you come". Take it for granted when I wearing I dont think abaout what capture more the attention, I wear according to my pleasure.

    American Sniper

    This film is based on true fact which is about the history of the best American sniper whose name is Chris Kyle. Before die, Chris wrote a book, American Sniper is about this book.
    He grew in a family where defended reciprocally. According to his father there are 3 types of people the wolf, the sheep or the dog, they are the dog because they protect the sheeps.
    Years before, he enlist in the SEAL, the tests are vey hard but he can lead.
    Chris is married and have sons but he go to Irak war. His first losses are a boy and a woman who attack to Marine Corps. Bit by bit he become famous and they put the nickname "The Legend".
    He go to Irak 4 times, but when he go home, his wife become aware isn't the same. Chris Kyle suffer a posttraumatic stress disorder.
    The film have a end impresive.

    Chris Kyle and the actor who have the leading role of Chris Kyle are very similar.

    Chris Kyle


    We have a better presentation than the first because now we use prezzi.
    We think so have a good presentation because it have many color and impresives pictures and it have good structure. But in the begining  we are moving because we were are nervous.
    Also Adria have good pronuntation but I can get better and we use vocabulary like: bit by bit, reach, weigh...
    The content it is good but we can add better small things like hotels and transport.

    We think so have a nice presentation because we add things for the presentation isn't boring and monotonous

    Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...?
    Are the resources focused on the topic?
    Do the resources support your oral explanation?
    Is the timing 5- 10 minutes?
    Body language & eye contact
    Are  you looking at your audience most of the time?
    Are you reading occasionally from your notes ?
    Are you doing any gestures/movement to hold the attention of your audience?
    Do you organize your ideas in order of importance?
    Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear? (First, then, secondly, on the one hand, on the other, finally…)
    Do you introduce new information to your audience?
    Is your information  detailed, clear and...?
    Do you give/show examples?
    Is your grammar correct, complex? (verbs, word order, tenses learnt in class)
    Is your vocabulary rich, varied (synonyms, idioms, expressions, phasal verbs, topic-related)
    Do you use sentence linkers? (and, but, moreover, also, furthermore, although, however…)
    Do you use fillers? (well, you know, for example, one second, repeating a word…)
    Pronunciation & Intonation
    Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation?
    Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Do you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
     M 6

     A 8
    You are your teacher! :-)                                 FINAL MARK:
    M 8'4

    A 8'6