sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015


The sharks are ainmals which fill with respect.
They can hunt alone or in group, depend of type. In general the sharks are aggressives only when be blood in the wather. A shark is ables to detect one drop of blood to 5 km  of distance.
The sharks has 2 colors: the grey in the upper part and white in the lower part. That make he can camouflage  because of if you see a shark from upper part he is camouflage with the bottom and if you see a shark from lower part he are camouflage with the sun light.
Now i will talk about some type of sharks:
-There are someone of types most famous:

Sand tiger shark:

 This shark can reach 3 m long.
They can hunt alone or in small groups.
This type of shark isn't more dangerous for the humans because of his jaw are small for kill one person.

Great white shark:

This shark, is the type wh more be afraid for the humans which have a jaw very big and it have 222  fang.
It can weigh 2 tonnes and reach 4-7 m long.
It captures the  electrics camps with his snout.

-But also be sharks peaceble:

Basking shark

This type of shark is the second biggest fish of the world which can reach 10m long and weigh 2 tonnes
They are characterize for his biggest jaw, which is for cature more plankton.

They are tolerant with the humans a difference of a lot of animals.

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