viernes, 20 de febrero de 2015

Type of dolphins.

There are 37 species of dolphins divide in 17 types.
They use dances, jumps and sounds for communicate and orient. Like the majority of cetaceas. The dolphins can reach 1'5m until 4m.

Now I will tolk about of someone types of dolphins :

-Tonina overa:

This is my favourite. For her colors and touch.
It only found in the area of FireLand

- Haviside's dolphin

This dolphin is small, it can reach 1'80m long andcan weigh 70kg
This type of dolphins can found from Sudarica until Namibia

- Common dolphin

They travel in group of 10-50 members but sometimes they can travel in group of 200 or more dolphins

- Atlantic white-sided dolphin

This type of dolphin is one of the great ones which can reach 3 m long and can weigh 230kg.

-Amazon river dolphin:

This dolphin is caracterize for his color and his long snout which have this shape because of can catch  more fish.
This type of dolphin is exclusive of the Amazon river .

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