domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

Doctors weigh in on dangers of Wi-Fi signal exposure

We all think using phones and hand-held mobiles is safe. Some doctors think this is not true. 

Children are more at risk because their brain is softer and small so the radiation from mobiles can efect them.

Studies show that radiation exposure can damage health. We know that microwaves can be dangerous but we are realising now that Wi-Fi tablets and smartphones emit signals.

Their is a carcinogenic hazard (cancer). Also memory loss and infertility. For that reason it is imoortant to limit our exposure. We should put the phone and tablet on airplane mod. It can reduce a lot of radiation. Some doctors suggests turning off Wi-Fi at night and using bluetooth

I think that can be true but maybe this doctor is exaggerating the dangers because it can help to develop the illness,bur it isn't the only cause that produces infertility, memory loss... Turning off could help to prevent, but will not be the solution for the illness.

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