miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016

TED TALKS: Carl Safina: What are animals thinking and feeling?

Carl Safina make a study to understand the feelings of animals. 
The first neurons came from jellyfish. Jellyfish gave rise to the first chordates. The first chordates gave rise to the first vertebrates. The vertebrates came out of the sea, and here we are. A neuron looks the same in a crayfish, a bird or you. Dolphins have a bigger brain with more convultions. Okey, they  have brains, but what does that have to say about minds?

He observe elephants. He saw that the elfants know where is a human here and if that human is dangerous or not, they can differentiate. They have been watching us for much longer than we have been watching them. They know us better than we know them. We have the same imperatives: take care of our babies, find food, try to stay alive. 

We are the animal more compassionate, most violent, most creative and most destuctive. Those animals of Noah's ark deemed worthy of salvation is in mortal danger now and their flood is we.

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